Unlimited Penetration Testing Platform

Data Systems has partnered with AppCheck who provide an unlimited penetration testing platform, ensuring schools, trusts, colleges, and universities can continuously assess and enhance their security posture without limitations.


AppCheck Features

Get in touch with your requirements

The detailed advice around each service, and the fact it integrates with our ticketing systems, has been a massive timesaver. The system itself is quite clean and easy to use, which sounds simple, but has been a major factor in embedding the tool into day-to-day business operations. University of Derby

Benefits of AppCheck

Continuous Vulnerability Discovery

Discover new vulnerabilities as they arise with year-round 24/7 scanning capabilities. Why wait for annual reports when you can continuously scan your web applications to catch new vulnerabilities as soon as they are introduced. AppCheck emulates the process of a manual penetration with the frequency of an automated tool to discover zero days, OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities, and 100,000+ known security flaws.

Scalable Solutions

AppCheck allows you to scan for vulnerabilities at scale with the click of a button. Discover the latest security flaws like a team ten times the size. Whether you are scanning 1 or 1,000 web applications, AppCheck has a solution to fit your needs. Each licence offers unlimited scans and unlimited users so you can share findings across all teams and scale as you grow.

Complete Vulnerability Management

All vulnerabilities are tracked and managed through the vulnerability management platform, giving you a complete system overview to show you what the outside world sees. With just a click you can produce professional penetration testing style reports which include a detailed technical narrative and remediation steps for all findings. AppCheck provides the full picture.

Advanced Configuration

Whether you just want to run a quick scan or are a power user who needs ultimate control, AppCheck allows complete flexibility. Scans can be run in a few clicks using profiles built by our security experts or built from scratch using the profile editor.

Cover Internal and External Estate

AppCheck provides a comprehensive vulnerability scanning platform that is designed to cover and test each layer of an organisation’s key IT systems for vulnerabilities, in one seamless and intuitive solution.

Scan in Production

Catch vulnerabilities early to avoid costly mistakes. Continuous assurance from automated scanning repeated as often as every code deploy. Quicker fixes take the strain off your team and shorten the attack window.

“When we compared AppCheck against a team of manual penetration testers, AppCheck identified all of the same vulnerabilities, plus an additional three critical vulnerabilities and did so in under half the time. ESP Group

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