During this time of uncertainty around the impacts related to COVID-19 we would like to reassure our customers, partners and employees that we anticipate minimal disruption to services and that staff well-being and helping keep customers secure remains our top priority.
Following government advice, and with the safety of our staff in mind, we have adopted a remote working strategy. Please rest assured we have long had measures in place surrounding remote working, both in terms of security and business continuity. We are continuing to monitor the situation and will provide updates as and when we have them.
Whilst many of your staff may be working from home for the first time and there may be hasty changes to your security strategy we want you to be able to continue scanning and ensure your services stay secure and available. With AppCheck being a cloud-based solution, this means you can still access and run scans from your own home, and of course our support team will be on hand with any queries you may have.
If you’re not a customer of AppCheck and have no security scanning in place, we are currently offering a more in-depth version of our free vulnerability assessment to help vendors identify their risks. With cloud services and web applications set to play a crucial role for business continuity in the coming weeks and months, ensuring these services stay secure and available is more pressing than ever. If you have any concerns around the security of your online services then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
We wish you all to stay safe and if you have any concerns or questions please find contact options below:
Existing customer can contact our technical support team here: support@localhost
For general enquiries please contact us here: info@localhost
Alternatively please feel free to reach out to your account manager.
No software to download or install.
Contact us or call us 0113 887 8380
AppCheck is a software security vendor based in the UK, offering a leading security scanning platform that automates the discovery of security flaws within organisations websites, applications, network and cloud infrastructure. AppCheck are authorised by the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Program as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA)