In this article we’re going to take a look at so-called “Session Puzzling Attacks”. The reference to session “puzzling” comes from the meaning of puzzle as in to mislead or confound – in this case, a way of confusing session handling mechanisms such that they can be manipulated or tricked into making incorrect security decisions relating to a client. The alternative name of “session variable overloading” provides a little bit more context about how this vulnerability is typically introduced into a web application – through developers “overloading” the usage of variables used within session objects such that multiple mechanisms rely on a single underlying variable and yet interpret it differently within different application contexts.
This description doesn’t really explain much in and of itself however, so in this article we’re going to step through a full explanation of typical session handling mechanisms, how the vulnerability can arise within them, and how to prevent vulnerabilities of this class.
To understand session puzzling attacks, it’s necessary to understand the most common pattern used in classic web applications for session handling. Developers of web applications face a fundamental challenge in that the underlying protocol used for communication between clients and servers (HTTP) is stateless. This means that it does not require the server to track the state of clients or to establish the context of individual requests within a broader set of communications – each request is essentially stand-alone and unlinked to earlier or later requests. This means that HTTP does not provide a native mechanism for servers to retain session information or status about each user connection across the duration of multiple requests.
However, servers require knowing the context of an individual request, in order to make business logic decisions such as “is this request from a user that is logged in and should the request for access to this resource be authorised?” A naive solution to this may be to send authentication details with every single request. It is not practicable for a server to require that a user re-authenticates each request with a username and password manually, this would get incredibly frustrating for users, but an early solution was to use a mechanism known as Basic Authentication (also basic access authentication) which embeds credentials (base64 encoded) in every request as an HTTP request header:
Authorization: Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l
However, this mechanism does not provide advanced session management functionality such as logout, or storage of custom variables within a session object.
The idea behind session management is to put requests from the same client in the same context. The most common solution to full session management in classic web applications therefore involves the establishment of a session store at the server side. This is done by issuing an identifier on the server and sending it to the client, then the client would save this identifier and resend it in subsequent requests so the server can identify it. Each session is uniquely identified with a sessionID. The session ID is typically transmitted as a session token to a browser within a “cookie” that can be stored within the local browser and submitted automatically on future requests to preserve state across multiple requests.
The session management flow is therefore:
This flow is illustrated below:
On the server side, the session object will commonly tie to a specific user ID, however it may track additional information such as session state (active, timed out), authentication state (authenticated, unauthenticated), as well as a range of associated memory properties such as flags, identities, and browser instance specific data. Each session object can therefore be relatively complex. Represented in serialised form using JSON, a session object could like something like the below in a given instance:
“session_id”: 123456,
“userID”: “golden33”,
“null”: null,
“accountID”: 9876565,
“properties”: {
“property1”: “b”,
“property2”: “d”
“name”: “Daniel”,
“authenticated”: true
Now that we’ve delved into session objects, we’re in a better position to understand how session puzzling vulnerabilities can occur, when an application makes an incorrect determination of state by incorrectly populating or examining a session object property. This can typically take one of three forms, either:
Such confusions can typically be exploited simply by browsing resources and performing functions on the website in a specific sequence, in which an earlier operation sets up the session variable, and then a later operation makes a decision based on a property of the session variable set in the earlier operation.
As an example, imagine a scenario in which a password-reset form on a website requests a username be entered. An attacker requests a password reset for an account that is valid, but to which they are no the owner and should not be permitted access. The website safely handles the password reset request, not notifying the attacker of the password but rather emailing a password reset link to the registered user email address. So far, so fine.
However, a vulnerable session handling mechanism may assign a session object to the attacker performing the password reset request, and tie that session ID to the userID being requested to have the password reset. If a secondary page, such as a hypothetical “myAccount” page on the same web application, simply checks that the userID in the attacker’s cookie matches the user ID for the requested resource, the attacker may be able to gain access to the user’s accounts, by having done nothing more than access several resources in a certain sequence.
What has happened here is that an attacker has exploited the session variable overloading within the web application to bypass authentication enforcement mechanisms, by finding a webpage that makes an unsafe decision based on the existence of a session variable that contains an identity–related value, which should only be stored or set in the session object after a successful authentication by the user. That is, an attacker first accesses a location in the application that sets session context and then accesses privileged locations that examine this context.
The risks can be substantial, and can bypass authentication. Since the vulnerability relies on the ability of an attacker to directly set a session token, it also enables them to bypass protection measures such Two Factor Authentication (2FA).
Since the attacker has not performed any malicious actions, only performing valid and official functionality known as a “valid behaviour pattern”, and exploiting business logic, they will also typically be able to avoid detection via SIEM mechanisms etc., and would be able to gain control over a valid account without sending any malicious input.
Examples have historically been seen in banks and insurance companies, with high profile examples reported against Oracle E-Business Suite, and the Sony PlayStation Network. However all web servers, application servers, and web application environments are potentially susceptible to session variable overloading.
The most effective way to detect these vulnerabilities is to enumerate all of the session variables used and in which context they are valid, in practice this can only be effectively done via a source code review.
The primary mitigation would be to avoid storing any unnecessary values in the session object on the server side. However this would impact functionality and is not generally an option. If so, then the best mitigation possible is to ensure that:
AppCheck help you with providing assurance in your entire organisation’s security footprint. AppCheck performs comprehensive checks for a massive range of web application vulnerabilities from first principle to detect vulnerabilities in in-house application code. AppCheck also draws on checks for known infrastructure vulnerabilities in vendor devices and code from a large database of known and published CVEs. The AppCheck Vulnerability Analysis Engine provides detailed rationale behind each finding including a custom narrative to explain the detection methodology, verbose technical detail and proof of concept evidence through safe exploitation.
As always, if you require any more information on this topic or want to see what unexpected vulnerabilities AppCheck can pick up in your website and applications then please get in contact with us: info@localhost
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AppCheck is a software security vendor based in the UK, offering a leading security scanning platform that automates the discovery of security flaws within organisations websites, applications, network and cloud infrastructure. AppCheck are authorised by the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Program as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA)