AppCheck Security Blog


AppCheck Wins Global Business Tech Awards 2021

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Application Programming Interfaces or APIs have existed for decades. However, they have recently seen a significant expansion in usage from their traditional use within areas such as Business to Business (B2B) or partner integrations into several new areas. [read more…]
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The OWASP Foundation, well-known for publishing a regular “Top 10” of web application security risks, recently published an “API Security Top 10”. It hasn’t received the same attention as its better-known sibling to date, but we’ll take a look at the vulnerabilities presented, and how you can best address them within your organisation’s API development.
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In this blog post we take a step back and provide a high-level introduction to infrastructure vulnerability scanning: what it covers, what it aims to achieve, and how it contrasts to other vulnerability scanning methodologies and techniques.
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In this blog post, we examine what cryptocurrency is, how it works, and how its fundamental principles of operation can encourage the illicit activity known as cryptojacking. We also investigate the scale of the problem to date, and how it can best be guarded against, as well as detected should it occur.
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Brute force attacks are those attacks that rely purely on exhaustive effort rather than sophisticated techniques performed. They are used by attackers in several cybersecurity spheres including against encryption and authentication systems. We look at then different types of brute force attacks and the ways in which they can be avoided.
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In this blog post, we look at how filepath manipulation can occur at a technical level, at how attackers may seek to exploit such vulnerabilities, and at how developers and system administrators within an organisation can best guard against falling victim to such exploits.

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